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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So much to do. So little energy.

I've been doing some serious procratination the past  week and a half. My laundry is piling up, clean and dirty piles. I haven't made the beds or changed the sheets. The bath tubs need a good scrub down. The "den" is a mess (I use quotations because it looks more like the garage it originally was,) and the grout on the floors needs a major overhaul.
 I look at all of these things and make lists and plans and get started and then remember four things: 1) I have Lupus, 2) I have Fibromyalgia 3) I hate housework of any kind 4) I'm much better at procrastinating than I am at cleaning.
My housekeeping skills are famous far and wide. I'm the FlyLady's worst nightmare. I can't even bring myself to read the book! I've read the first three pages at least five times and each time, the procrastination monster lurking in my brain takes over and I decide to read the rest "later". Later, by definition, never arrives.
Today, though, I'm going to force Later to be my bi-otch. Maybe. We'll see about it after I finish checking Facebook.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dieting and other things to avoid.

I keep saying I need to lose the weight. I need to work out more and stop eating chocolate. But then I think, "Really? Stop eating chocolate? Why?" In all seriousness, I have started to walk every evening with the boys. I think it's good to get out and enjoy the warm, southern spring weather that we've been blessed with. I also know that telling myself I'm going to start going to the gym or do an exercise video everyday has led me through five years of general laziness and being fat. I finally won my life long battle against a soda addiction. I drink water and flavored water now. And I've started drinking coffee, but that's a story for a different day. Now if I could just work on the sweet tooth, I might not be terrified of the bathing suit sales.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's This Like?

So today I'm trying out this blog business. What do I write? Why blog? Is this yet another invention to make us feel like we are important and worthy of being listened to? Why yes! Yes it is. Thank God for the exit button. I'd probably go ahead and click on it if I were you.

I'm creating this blog in a sad attempt to avoid housework yet again. If only I would stop doing that, there'd be a lot less of a mess staring angrily at me as I type. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do it all later, since I'm so busy with designing this new blog.